Friday, February 28, 2014

sounds of hope

My heart felt a little heavy today. With this heaviness I seem to have fallen into some clarity, some lightness, room to breathe more deeply. When people I love leave this world I tend to receive beautiful gifts. I truly believe we all receive them. For some reason I've become especially aware of their lack of physical presence as well as the strength in their energetic presence. It's a confusing moment to feel emptiness and fullness all at the same time. As I'm writing this I noticed the song that "randomly" came on is titled Hope. There is no doubt in my mind that this is a message from my beautiful and incredibly strong cousin who seems to be much closer to me now. It's moments like these that are so pure, so raw and filled with mixed emotion, tears of joy and sadness melting into one another.

I've been thinking a lot lately about how fear creates these barriers within. How exactly do I take down all the walls I've put up? Am I strong enough to make the changes I'd like to make? As strange as it seems, my cousin moving on to wherever it is she's gone to has given me this strength in knowing I will just do it. I feel like I was shown how important it is that I move forward in all areas of my life, rather than focusing on some while ignoring the rest. My heart can't be open in some areas but closed in others. It feels disjointed and unbalanced, insecurities ready to creep in from the shadows when I'm not looking. If I'm afraid of what effect expressing the large amount of love inside will have, of course its going to bring up negative experiences. It's as if I've surrounded that love, joy, and passion in my heart with little creatures of fear. Eliminating these unwanted creatures means that I can radiate love without remnants of fear, or distrust. Sending out love in its simplest form will bring only love right back to me. This song called Hope, with no words just music, is a message that I'm strong enough to transform the fear into love.

Heart Chakra Tidbits
Location Chest, Heart, Cardiac Plexus , Color is Green, Element is Air,  Function is Love,  Purpose is Love and Balance
Issues- Love, Balance, Self-Love, Relationship, Intimacy, Devotion, Reaching Out and Taking In

From Anodea Judith in Eastern Body Western Mind:"As we reflect upon ourselves, we integrate more and more pieces of ourselves. Our sense of the whole becomes larger and stronger. Like an ecosystem whose stability and magnificence increases with diversity, the whole of a person gains beauty and stability as more and more parts become integrated. We become more complex, more mature, and capable of greater and greater possibilities."

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